Tuesday, April 17, 2012

the good life

boys are boys no matter what their age.

they throw shit

they get drunk and fight

they have clichés just like in high school

they watch girly movies late at night

their biggest concerns of the night are simple

-get drunk

-get laid

-look bigger than any other guy

-find their bed

a normal day in a house of boys

they wake up screaming about something

they fight over the bathroom and make it smell like shit *litrally

walk around in towels and flash everyone they can

kick doors open and wake people up

go to school or sport

come home screaming

get drunk

look for girls

play games to see who is better

get girls to come over

fuck with each other until a fight breaks out

continue drinking

tell stories

cover people who have fallen asleep

yell to strangers

explain to cops why they are so loud

have sex

kick girl out

make fools of themselves with each other

slowly head to bed

pass out until the hangover wakes them up

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


so the life of me is simple
 college drop out
lives with 7 guys
suffers from major depression and anxiety
completely obnoxious
laughs entirely too loud
loves children
hates anti depressants
knows way too much stuff about best buy
semi technologically impaired
loves writing
will tell strangers about my life over anyone


past love and future lust
look me in the eyes and lie
tell me anything you can
just get me through this night

night brings the terrors of life
of choices chosen in the past
lie to me
look me in the eyes and take my breath

ignore the scars that line my heart
erase the ones that have sliced my wrists
tell me anything you can
just get me through this night

take my hand when the night falls
only when the eyes that pains me are gone
i lied to you to feel your touch
i just needed to get through the night

Monday, March 26, 2012


she stands and stares at the trees that are ever so slightly blowing
her thoughts are focused on one simple thing
the warm air is slipping past her sold chapped lips
she must concentrate just to breath
the dark night is consuming everything she has ever tried to be
as she stands there waiting she let one thought come into her mind
"will i ever see another sunrise?"

her mind begins to wonder like a small child
the voice she now hears in her ear is one that has saved her time and time again
the same voice is the one that can bring her to her knees at any given moment
right now the only thing he wants is to save her from herself

but all she wants is for every pain she has ever felt to disappear like the rabbit in a magic act
she has had time to think things over
she is past the 'what could have been' and the mistakes that have consumed her life
she is finally at peace with herself and everything she has ever tried to accomplish

and yet there he is so perfectly imperfect
he stands next to her like he has so many times before
except this time has the risk of being the last
he holds her up as she attempts to take a drag of her cigarette and stumbles like an unbalanced toddler

if only she were able to speak
she would be able to tell him anything
she would ask for him to hold her so she could feel the warmth of someone she loves
even if he just pretends to love her back

but the drugs have now started to race through her body like a sprinters at the sound of a gun
winding through every vein in her body
they start to paralyze every function she has ever had
she is comfortably numb while he looks at her with those eyes that are so familiar
and now the only thing he could do is wait
while she is so helpless... he is terrified of what could be next

just getting started

first post and i feel like i want to write forever already. some for warning before i actually start. i never capitalize anything unless its something extremely important to me and i feel the need to show respect. i write whatever comes to mind and use no kind of filter. some things may be a trigger to some but i use writing as my escape.